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Website Design
Putting your ideas into a page
Take the time to work out exactly what you want the website to do for your business. We always recommend grabbing a pen and paper and writing all the services you provide and then visiting a few competitor websites to see whats good, bad and what you could do better as you would not want to launch a new website that did not compete.
We take the time to view all your services and lay them out on the page that fits best from a visual and for it to be user friendly.
Using the framework chosen the website will be development on our local hosting so it can be tested and altered accordingly before making the website live.
Go Live
Going live is great when all the hard work is finally done and its time to show the world the new website.
Pay Monthly WordPress Websites
We specialise in building stunning WordPress websites to really make your business stand out online. Our team can design and fully optimise your WordPress website for desktop and mobile and give you a platform from which you can grow your business online.